Saturday, May 17, 2014

I'll be fine. Really.

No surprise that one of the assignments for my blog is to actually write about how I use technology myself personally or professionally. Exactly where am I on the technology adoption continuum?

To frame this question, our class took a look at a study Apple did back in the 1980’s that identified what teachers went through when faced with new technology. That was the “beginning of time” as we know technology today. 

Apple experimented and placed computers in classrooms to teachers and students who volunteered for this cruel joke. Researchers wanted to "see what would happen.” Teachers kept journals, that provided some interesting results. Among what was suitable to be published from those journals was that there are five stages of adoption:
1. Entry. “Oh, look. There’s a computer on my desk. I’ll work around it.”
2. Adoption. “Ok, I’ll use it for a couple of tasks. It’s not THAT bad, but keep the students away from it!”
3. Adaptation. “I’ll use more technology, and I’ll even let the students try it too. Why the heck did I sign up for this? It’s so frustrating!”
4. Appropriation – or the use technology to excess. “This is all so cool! I must have it all.” 
5. Innovation. “I’m so over wanting it all. I’ll just select and use what works for the curriculum.”

I wonder if they planned in advance that four of the five stages begin with A as in Apple, and one starts with “i” as in iPod, iPhone, iAnything you own will be Apple. (OK, credit where credit is due, the study was funded by the National Science Foundation, not Apple). 

My personal experience with using technology has been more akin to the grief process:  denial, anger, bargaining, sadness, and finally, acceptance.  I think “frustration” should be one of the stages. That along with panic, begging and broke (both emotionally and financially).

Right now, I am in denial that my four-plus year old laptop with Office 2003 and Microsoft XP is running (crawling) on borrowed time. One day soon, it will not work, I will go into a panic, bargain with my tech guy to find a way to keep it working, sadly write out a check for him to tell me what I already know: “Get a new device with Windows 8. Or a Mac.”

Once I do know how to use a new technology, I love it. It’s the learning part that I dread. This class is forcing me out of my comfort zone. One new cool tool we’re’ using is Prezi. Think of it as a modern day PowerPoint. I got past my fear and registered for the free Prezi tool. I watched the tutorial and got started building my own Prezi. Naturally, they now own my email address and my privacy. My inbox is full of “welcome” emails from Prezi. Do I want it for my mobile? Upgrade now for even better productivity? You still haven't completed your download of Prezi, do it now!

No! Not now. Leave me alone. I really don’t want to add PTSD as one of the stages to using technology. As Nicole Zumpato, our awesome instructor, assured us about herself on day one of class: “I’m not a novice and I’m not an expert.” 

Yep, that goes for me too. Breathing


  1. I think this is a good description of how many of us have "met" technology. I remember getting my first computer at work and assuming I would still need to write my reports longhand first in order to keep the thinking process in order:))) Keep learning new stuff for us Mary! Nancy

  2. I know I certainly "met" technology this way. I am usually OK as long as it works the way I think it should, but when technology goes "off the rails" on me I become a curmudgeon. However, technology is not going away and for one I intend to embrace it. Once I find the proper amount of patience! Teri

    1. Thanks for your thoughts Teri. I like your attitude of embracing technology. If not, the world will certainly move on without us! - Mary

  3. Mary this is a fantastic blog post! I love the use of the grief stages to explain technology stages- so true! Great ad-lib on the tech stages as well. I really enjoyed reading this!
